Mattu Pongal or Kanuma is one of the many festivals associated with seasons and is associated with winter harvest. It is celebrated on the third day of Sankranthi Festival.

A Cow Adorned on Mattupongal at Sri Mata Amritanadamayi Ashram
The first day is called Bhogi. The second day is Sankranthi. The third day is Kanuma (a festival of cattle), it is a very important festival to farmers who consider cattle as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. Prayers to them for helping with a successful harvest season.
On this day, usually, all farmers, clean cattle and cattle sheds and the sacred cows are decorated with colors and marigold flowers.
Kanuma or Mattu Pongal is a festival which is dedicated to cows, farm animals and farm equipment and also offering flowers and worshipped as well.
Significance of Mattu Pongal (Kanuma)
It is believed that on this day Lord Krishna saved people and animals of Gokulam by lifting Govardhana Hill.
Jalli Kattu is the famous local game in Tamilnadu, which plays in this season.
Mukkanuma Festival
Mukkanuma is celebrated on the fourth day of Sankranthi Festival. It is celebrated as Kanum Pongal in Tamilnadu.
Mukkanuma is dedicated to feasting and merrymaking. As it is the last day of Sankranthi Festive season, in some regions people visit relatives and friends on this day and it is celebrated as fun-filled day.